When Scaling Is The Only Option.
Get the support and advice you need from an experienced COO, minimise scale-up risk, and accelerate sustainable growth at a fraction of the cost.
The Chief Operating Officer is typically considered the Second-in-Command, the integrator of decisions on behalf of the CEO, and the sustainable growth advisor to founders and boards,
or as we like to call it…
The Second C.
Supercharging your business with the right support is one of the best things you can do to grow.
Ambitious SMEs need exceptional operational leadership to grow. Founders require strategic, hands-on advice to thrive. However, many scale-up companies face challenges in finding objective operational guidance, lack the budget or aren't ready to hire a full-time COO, yet they still need someone to step in and provide immediate support. Without this crucial support, designing and implementing new operating models becomes difficult, hindering growth.
To scale effectively, SMEs need more than just operational leadership or an unproven coach. They need a partner who champions change, provides bold solutions, translates vision into action, understands fast-paced scale-up environments, and empowers leaders at all levels.
When SMEs don’t have the budget, or aren’t ready to commit to a full-time COO, but require someone to parachute-in to lead operations or guide leaders in unlocking business blockages… The Second C is the answer.
How we can help:
COO as a Service (COOaaS)
Working with start-ups, SMEs between £$1M-£$50M in revenue, and supporting Venture Capital portfolios, we support you through our COOaaS Model.
COOaaS is a flexible and integrated solution to fit your needs, letting you choose how we support your business. We can work IN, WITH, or FOR your business through any, or a combination, of our 3 main services.
Contact us & learn more.